Monroe Kennedy
Monroe Kennedy III is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and by courtesy, of Computer Science and a recipient of the NSF Faculty Early Career Award. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics and a Masters in Robotics from the University of Pennsylvania where he was a recipient of both the NSF and GEM graduate research fellowships. His area of expertise is in collaborative robotics, specifically the development of theoretical and experimental approaches to perform perception, modeling, and control for robotic systems, with primary application to robotic manipulation and human-robot collaborative tasks. He applies expertise in machine learning, computer vision for robotic autonomy, dynamical system analysis, control theory (classical, non-linear, and robust control), state estimation and prediction, and motion planning.
Monroe is a faculty affiliate member of the following Stanford centers:
- CDR: Center for Design Research
- SystemX, serves as a Robotics Area co-Lead
- CARS: Center for Automotive Research
- Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance
- EWear: Stanford Wearable Electronics Initiative
- HAI: Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
- Bio-X: Stanford Bio-X
Monroe is also a co-founder and co-director of Black in Robotics, a non-profit organization centered on increasing the diversity, equity, and inclusion of underrepresented minorities in the field of robotics.